
Pisco Capel brand is established by the largest Chilean pisco producer - the CAPEL company (Cooperativa Agrícola Pisquera Elqui Limitada) in 1964. The main part of the farm's plantations are located in the Elqui Valley, the air of which is considered one of the cleanest in the world. Another feature of the local terroir is the constant ventilation of the valley, as a result of which the vine doesn’t need any chemical protection methods. The market share of Capel in this segment is 54.5%. At the end of 2008, the company's profit amounted to 8.8 million US dollars, which is 78% more than in 2007. The main sale of the Pisco Capel brand is about 68%. Capel is also known under several other brands on the market: Alto del Carmen, Artesanos del Cochiguaz, Valle del Limari. In 2006 the company opened the brand Capel drinks, which combines many types of alcohol under one brand.

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Pisco Capel Reservado Moai 1l

19,600 ֏